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Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Diabetes drugs from indonesian fruit

Indonesia 's endemic native fruits called " rambutan ". a lot of benefits health found in fruit rambutan, among which is a herbal remedy for diabetes.
Based on the results of research conducted by nutritionists, that the methanol extract of the seed containing rambutan falvonoid and phenolic compounds.
The methanol extract contains compounds that consist of 5 phenolics ( flavonoids ) and 1 instead phenolic flavonoids. Benefits of the methanol extract have hypoglycemic activity so potentially help patients with diabetes. In addition , rambutan seed also believed to cure lumbago. 
how to make herbal medicine of rambutan seed for diabetes drugs ?
1. Prepare 5 rambutan seed of the ripe fruit.
2. Separate the seeds from the fruit, after it was cleaned .
3. Next cut into small pieces and roasted with medium heat.
4. After changing the color to yellow -brown, turn off the heat and then drain in a container, let it cool.
5. Furthermore rambutan blender or mashed beans that have been roasted until getting a soft texture and smoothness.
6. Pour rambutan seed powder with hot water, let the cold steeping and separated from the waste water.
7. Drink the infusion 1-3 times a day, 30 minutes before eating.
Especially for people with severe diabetes, consumption of herbal medicine was rambutan seed every day on a regular basis.